
We are a software development firm with a long and strong history in application focused on Music Education. We have been developing and supporting commerial software applications since the early 1980's. In 2006 we launched our first application for Music education in the Pacific Northwest. Since that time, we have spent the last 14 years expanding from State Organizations, to Regional, and National events. Over the last 10 years we have:

  • Handled over 75,000 Honor Group auditions
  • Registered more than 45,000 individuals for Conference Events
  • Taken in more that 400,000 Solo Ensemble entries

We work hard to keep up on the evolution of web-application technology. This can be seen in our continual evolving set of tools and features. As an example, in 2018-2019 we released brand new tools to provide for automated recording of Honor Group auditions using a PC or MAC.

From a music education standpoint, we have that resume as well. First, we have the experince of 12 years in the field, providing our solutions to 100's of thousands of individuals. On top of that, the chief systems architect for OpusEvent is a life long musician that first auditioned to Washington State Honor Groups in 1972 - 1975. This has continued for the last 40 years as accompanist for many Solo Ensemble events.